i gave
you my fire


Thank you for reading this! You have no idea how much I appreciate it.I'm Pudding / Katie, I'm 28 years old, and use she/her pronouns. I've been on this website for far too long so I'm kind of on the side of no nonsense, but I assure you that I'm pretty easy to talk. Now, onto the rules!FOLLOWING:
-I am a mutually exclusive blog. If we're not following one another, I will not respond to your character's asks nor will I write you starters.
-If you follow me first, I'd prefer for you to make the first move in terms of interactions. The easiest way to do this is to send me asks memes (under this tag).-If you prefer me to reach out first, please fill out this interest form so I know exactly what you want from me in terms of interactions.-I don't mind if personal blogs follow me so long as you don't reblog my stuff.-IN REGARDS TO MY WITCHER MUSES: Please don’t follow me if you are loud and proud with how much you hate the show. Go for it, hate it all you want. You are within that right, but I’m also within my right to not want to surround myself with people who are openly hateful toward something I enjoy. I have book based muses, I have show based muses. If you can get past that, then absolutely go ahead and follow, but I’m not in a position where I want to hear about/see how much you hate TWN.SHIPPING:
-I love shipping! I obviously need chemistry to happen, though, and definitely prefer if I already know the mun well enough before I feel comfortable to ship with someone.

-I don't do anything in regards to sexual writing on this blog. I'm 28, so it's really just a matter of my preference. I'll allow things up to a "fade to black" situation, however.-Obviously, nothing explicitly nsfw regarding minors. If applicable, I will mention that my older teenage muses have done the deed (because no teen is a saint), but there will be no details nor explanation regarding this.GENERAL:
-If you're an OC (or even a canon character that doesn't know my character in canon) do not assume my character knows you. If you want pre-established relationships, you need to come to me first.
-Please don't make it a habit of asking for starters without responding to them. If you have an issue with a starter, just let me know! I promise you I won't be annoyed or upset, because I want nothing more than for us to be able to interact.-You definitely don't need to match my reply length, but I'd appreciate it if you gave me something to work with so I'm actually able to respond properly.-I will likely unfollow you if your attitude is overly negative, or if you reblog a ton of unrelated content to your blog. Run your blog how you want, but I just don't want to be around it.-Triggers are tagged as "trigger cw".-I have no triggers myself in regards to dark subjects. I do, however, have emetophobia which I would appreciate being tagged. I won't jump at you if you don't do this, however.


(click the pictures!)


King's Quest


King's Quest


Detroit: Become Human


Detroit: Become Human


Cyberpunk Series


Detroit: Become Human


Like a Dragon Series


The Witcher


The Witcher


Like a Dragon Series


The Walking Dead Game


The Witcher


Like a Dragon Series


Like a Dragon Series


The Walking Dead Game




Like a Dragon Series


King's Quest


Always Raining
in the Valley


Like a Dragon Series


The Witcher


King's Quest


The Witcher


Judgment Series


The Witcher


Like a Dragon Series

Brooke's Verses

v; where i'm going is for me and me alone

following the events of dbh, brooke is struggling to pick up the pieces of her broken relationship with her ex-husband. after getting a call from captain fowler about hank's assault on special agent perkins, she reached out to him and would end up accidentally meeting connor in the process.

v; all that strength made rubble of the towers we built

placed in the years before dbh. she's either still married or rather newly divorced, trying to navigate herself through her marriage and motherhood.

Carl's Verses

v; this is still your life

taking place both before, during, and after the events of dbh, carl is struggling through his circumstances. while he's primarily made peace with getting older, he's still having difficulties with his lack of independence. following the events of dbh, he's recovering from his medical episode and trying to do what he can with whatever time he has left.

v; most boring party i've been to

carl is a reluctant art teacher at blackwell academy, with the help of his son, markus, as his teaching assistant. while he’s definitely a hard person to get used to, he’s never one to put a damper on a student’s creative freedom.

Hank's Verses

ㅤㅤㅤv; a broken pot can still hold water

hank sees the deviancy in connor, and encourages it. he’s come to enjoy having the snarky, mildly oblivious android by his side, despite their rocky start. he considers him a good friend, and (though he doesn’t want to admit it) he doesn’t want to see him go.

v; cannot change who you are inside

things are hostile between the lieutenant and android. he can’t stand him for his lack of empathy and the coldness of his actions. the loss of that possible positive relationship could and does very well lead to his death.

v; why do i have this growing need to be beside him?

ㅤhank's struggling with his developing feelings for connor. he's not used to feeling like this with anyone anymore. and out of everyone in the world, it just had to be him, didn't it?

Achaka's Verses

v; you thought i'd lay down and die

achaka managed to survive the events of chapter 1. however, because of how massive his injuries were, he couldn't participate in the rest of the tournament. many believed he should've been made a night then and there, but achaka denied it. instead, he made an effort to recover and eventually become a knight legitimately.

v; a knight to remember

achaka is either a vagabond wandering the land or in the process of participating in the knight tournament. all threads prior and during chapter 1 will take place in this verse.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; who died and made you king of it all?

an alternate universe in which achaka became king edward’s most trusted knight. eventually, he would become king of daventry. With this immense power comes a new form of isolation and captivity. achaka’s not able to go wandering about as freely as he used to, before he had so many more duties and responsibilities. for now, he’s doing his best to be the king that daventry so desperately needed, but what happens if he snaps, the way he snapped in eruah?

v; here one minute gone the next

achaka is a backpacker, traveling the world on his own to see what all there is to see in it. He’s a bit more guarded about speaking about his true home, and instead keeps moving on. It’s not often that he’ll stay in a singular town for more than a couple of days.

v; couldn't bear to witness my own fate

he isn't totally sure how he ended up being duke ravengard's primary protector, but it's landed him in more trouble than not. while initially tasked to provide adequate protection for the duke, achaka's hand was forced and had to attend to other matters while other guards attended duke ravengard. following the duke's kidnapping, achaka was hunted but the powers that be. orin was task to kill him, though the steel watch also had orders to capture him if they saw him. he doesn't have a full clue as to what the hell's going on with the world.he's subsequently saved by a group of travelers. with his life being so clearly at risk, he's offered refuge in their camp, where he too begins to travel alongside them, accidentally coming across duke ravengard's son among them.

Alexander's Verses

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; the life i fought for still isn't mine

finally home in daventry with his parents and twin sister, alexander is trying to adjust to his new life. unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be as easy as graham wants it to be.

v; i never thought i'd see the daylight

now in the land of the green isles, alexander's grown up. he's married, a father, a king. even still, his years under manannan's rule are still a plague on him and his mind. he's made good progress in the years since his escape, but sometimes it's not as simple as seeing what he has now compared to then.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; the pain you face is no disgrace

alexander’s kidnapping was highly publicized throughout the world, considering his family’s social status. with a new way of life to adjust to, he is overwhelmed by the world around him. and with rosella's help, he’s slowly learning of how things work and how he’ll be able to continue his life instead of remaining dormant.

Petlya's Verses

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; the promise of much more

it became more and more clear of the generational fearmongering that kept her people from leaving the village. not wanting to be as repressed and terrified of the unknown as the majority of her family, petlya would end up leaving eruah to follow in the footsteps of her older brother at the age of 16. it wasn't an easy journey, but she came out the other side of it. now she's out in the world and trying to find her place in it.

v; show off your sacred bleeding heart

how her brother ended up the king of anything truly escaped her. he could hardly be a parent to his son, and yet he'd been dubbed king of daventry? king edward really must've been desperate. now one of onoik's subjects, she sit and watch as she expected everything to collapse around them.

ㅤㅤㅤv; you choose which direction you veer

ㅤpetlya hears the way her father speaks about her brother. Onoik was a failure, he says. Some day, they’re going to see on the news that a hitchhiker was killed, he says. The youngest Vahk sibling isn’t fond of the situation either, but… but she can’t help but envy his freedom.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; a fire burns although the spark is gone

getting away from her family was probably the best decision of her life. after what they'd all been through, it just felt like the best fit for her. to aid in her recovery, petlya ended up being able to buy a relatively cheap plot of land within pelican town. she didn't know a ton about farming, but... well, it was never too late to learn, right?

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; it's a common response for your hands to shake

plucked up into an illithid ship less a few months after leaving her cultish home village, petlya has been plunged into a position she never thought she'd ever be in. for the sake of the survival of herself and her new family she's come to know through this journey, she has to become stronger than she ever thought herself to be.

Vee's Verses

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; we all wanna know how it ends

everything post-chapter 3. queen valanice goes through the events of her life, handling it the best ways she knows how to. whether it be the kidnapping of her only son, the disappearance of her best friend, her deteriorating marriage, or anything else, she manages to stand tall for her kingdom.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; lose your cool and lose your head

vee was prepared to die for neese's sake. she hadn't expected neese to come back for her. at the time, she'd been thankful for it. in the aftermath of it, however, she would soon wonder if it would've been better if she had. hagatha's magic had pierced through her, turning her hand to solid ice. over the following years, it would spread and eventually come to take control of her. she'd never wanted to hurt anyone.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; echoes of a life we should have led

graham fell for both vee and neese for their differing personalities. as it would turn out, neither of the girls were against the idea of both of them being with him. they accepted it readily, and would both end up staying with him. vee would end up having her and graham's son, alexander, while neese would have her and graham's daughter rosella.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; hold your deck to your chest

vee is known for a lot in the modern world. heiress to a production company, wife of the city's mayor, mother of one of the most famous kidnapping victims of the last 50 years-- it seems like she's a magnet for the world's attention. very few know her, however. the beauty, the brains, the brawn. she wants to be known for own merit, too.

Missy's Verses

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; got my courage from the wine

missy's on her path to her dream. either in school or working, missy's doing what she can to get where she wants to be. she's just having trouble dealing with the stress of it all and the forced positivity she's brought upon herself.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; knows what she wants but keeps it quiet

missy is the 4th iteration of the ms700, created with the sole intent to be a performer for the masses. she wears bright big smiles and preaches positivity to her legions of fans that would do anything for just a moment in her presence. internally, she can't stand the sight of them. she fears them. with some of the old memories of her predecessors, it wouldn't end up taking her long to deviate. nevertheless, she's currently keeping that fact close to her chest.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; do you belong here? you don't fit anywhere else

she'd been meant to perform in detroit when the riots were going on. thousands of androids were destroyed, while missy was kept safe and sound with her handlers in her case. they were preparing to leave as soon as they possibly could. and then it happened. it seemed like freedom was on the slow track of being a reality. so, then... where did that leave her? when would she be able to be free?

v; starberries, sugarshrooms, and bitterroot
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤKING'S QUEST VERSE

with taylor Fey refusing to continue the Fey legacy of famous bakers, Wente and Bramble thought it'd be for the best to take on an apprentice. All the way from the Vale of Willows, Missy Kanagawa was the one that managed to earn the position. However, it's after hours when she begins to develop a reputation for more than just her tasty pastries.

Jaskier's Verses

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; that's my epic tale

jaskier's life through the netflix series. whether it's before he met geralt or afterwards, it will sit under this verse.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; the wolf i will follow into the storm

instead of a bardic best friend named dandelion, geralt has jaskier. more based around the events of the books and games, with numerous things changed to accommodate for jaskier's personality differing from dandelion's.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; my story that's so very totally real

still very much a musician within the modern world, jaskier does covers and original songs for his youtube channel. be they comedic, heartwarming, or emotional, they've seemed to have garnered him a good bit of attention.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; duets a plenty

a twin verse in which julian has an identical twin named jameson. whether they both take on the jaskier name to confuse their parent or both become "jaskier" and "dandelion" to establish some independence between them is completely dependent on the other jaskier participating.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; maybe you'll wake up in a world of charm

julian was always julian, and never got his opportunity to spread his legs to become the famed bard, jaskier. meaning, he never met geralt of rivia. or, at least he didn't until far later on in life. he's set to be the next head of his family, and he's looking for any way out he can manage.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; atlas can rest his weary bones

jaskier is a noble man's son turned witcher after the law of surprise is claimed. he didn't take well to the mutations placed on him by the school of the wolves, and resisted at just about every turn initially. and yet, he survived. replacing his old name with the name "jaskier," jaskier would grow up alongside other witchers made at kaer morhen. by the time he was ready to go off on the path, he'd accepted his fate, but refused to be what the world typically thought of as a typical witcher. fuck that predictable nonsense. he was going to be seen and be known.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; i'm free to do as i may

having his conduit moment at age 8, jaskier was brought to ban ard academy almost immediately, if not with great arguments from his parents initially. jaskier, personally, was more than happy to get out of that house. still, he would came to hate ban ard academy about as much as his own home, hated stregobor as much as his own father. so, it wasn't all too surprising when he would abandon his duties assigned to him.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; curtain falls but hold your applause

how one of the most famed bards got pulled into any of this mess, he'd never able to tell you. alas, here he is to provide support to his newfound companions. he's definitely traveled with stranger folk before, so he has little issue with the mismatch of people they've picked up along the way.

Yennefer's Verses

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; never ending condescending now i just refuse

yennefer never received her enchantments or went to court. she instead took on jobs for coin and caused chaos all the while. following istredd's betrayal, she became exceedingly hard to get through to.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; one day the curtain falls

yennefer managed to escape her wretched family and would try to do anything to make coin to live. what she finds is that she's not all too bad with a lyre, and her singing isn't too shabby either. and so she goes around as a trobairitz.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; a force of will no one could bend

this verse could differ. if she's a companion, yennefer is a a sorceress with a very short tolerance for nonsense. coarse and distrustful by nature, it's not difficult to see from her appearance that she's likely been through quite a bit of hardship.in other versions of this verse, yennefer is a local sorceress within the lower city of baldur's gate. while many have known a bought from yennefer's shop in the past, others have been wanting to force her out after rumor started getting around that she was a hag in disguise. needless to say, sh'es not been taking kindly to any of that bullshit.

Istredd's Verses

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; this too shall pass

post-istredd's initiation and his break up with yennefer. he's researching ruins of various kingdoms, learning what the past might be able to tell them. who he'll meet along the way, though? who knows how that could possibly go. depending on how far past his graduation he is, he may or may not still be very much in love with yennefer.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; i will suffer silence for the strings you tune

istredd is still a young up and coming sorcerer being taught at ban ard academy. he's in love with yennefer and enjoys the moments they can spend together. for the most part, though, istredd is a very studious boy that wants the praise and approval of his rector.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤv; i will suffer silence for the strings you tune

istredd is still a young up and coming sorcerer being taught at ban ard academy. he's in love with yennefer and enjoys the moments they can spend together. for the most part, though, istredd is a very studious boy that wants the praise and approval of his rector.

Visenna's Verses

v; spending lifetimes to understand

following her unexpected reunion with her son, visenna fled the area. where she planned on going, she had no particular idea, but she would help whoever needs her on her path there.

v; the tears that you've shed may find a tree to water

destiny never came for them. visenna was able to raise geralt the way she'd wanted to. he became the most important person in her life, and would raise him to be a man that would do good for their wretched world.

v; the tears that you've shed may find a tree to water

destiny never came for them. visenna was able to raise geralt the way she'd wanted to. he became the most important person in her life, and would raise him to be a man that would do good for their wretched world.

Valdo's Verses

v; some of us are stars and some are just in the way

ㅤvaldo is a famous troubadour, known for his inventive and experimental tones of music. he's heard whispers of what jaskier's been saying about him, and valdo struggles to keep himself out of such quarrels. of course, though, that's easier said than done.

v; before you take the stage i'm gonna walk away

valdo heard about dandelion's nonsense every so often. whether he was even interested or not was up for debate, but a part of him wanted to reconnect with the idiot. perhaps one day.

v; a stranger to my heart has filled my mind

once the personal bard of a king, valdo marx is hating this whole tadpole business. he wasn't made for traveling, especially traveling that doesn't involve inns. alas, he's been recruited and brought on to join on this quest to get to baldur's gate before they all turn into illithids.

Luka's Verses

v; childhood friend or drunken revel

luka, instead of being kept in the care of lady zerbst, went along with vesemir and tetra to find out was going on. he participated in the defense of kaer morhen, barely surviving his injuries after being found by vesemir. after his recovery, he would end up helping vesemir raise and train the remaining witcher children. the injuries he sustained wouldn't heal properly. He was mobile a while longer, but luka's body would start to fail him as time went on. by the time of ciri's arrival, he's almost fully reliant on vesemir for getting around.

v; i wanna start a fight

luka and vesemir grew up in a group home together. once they aged out of it, they ended up moving in together. luka struggled with figuring out how he wanted to work for his money, but ultimately landed on kitten fostering. unconventional, yes, but he was good at it and didn't cause blow ups at customers.

v; desperate for changes

instead of being taken by his human father, luka was taken in by his elven mother. born with the name vaelyun, he would end up being the elves' man on the inside due to his human-esque appearance. while around the human, he would take on the name luka.

Majima's Verses

v; it's up to you and what you'll do and who you'll be

following the events of yakuza 0, majima decided to stay in sotenbori. with club sunshine relying on him, he didn't feel like it was right to leave them unexpectedly. initially he was just going to stay a little longer, until they got everything set up to go on without him. but then he just... never left.

Nishiki's Verses

v; are we damn lucky or are we just the damned?

nishiki somehow survived the events of yakuza kiwami. as his one and only act as fourth chairman, kiryu expelled nishiki for his actions, if just to hopefully keep the situation mildly under control. nishiki is either currently living with kiryu and haruka or living on his own, still very much recovering and trying to learn to live again with the guilt clouding his mind and blood drenching his hands.

Louis's Verses

v; in a room full of stories mine was just another voice

in his last years of ericson's, louis is just trying to savor what little time left he has there. his relationship with his dad is abysmal, while he's afraid that his mother will never forgive him for what he did. maybe his friends will just be his family from now on.

v; got myself a brand new start

a rich noble wanting to be a troubadour. how original. look, he knows! but he just can't bring himself to ignore his desire to do what truly makes him happy.

Minnie's Verses

v; this is us this is me and this is how we're meant to be

minnie doesn't have a clue what her family would've been like if not for ericson's. now with her and sophie soon to be be graduating, minnie's afraid of what life may have in store for her.

v; we see what your fate is

minnie had her conduit moment when she was 10, much to her utter dismay. whisked away to aretuza by tissaia de vries, minnie supposed she should've been thankful she didn't end up a conduit herself. after ascending, minnie very reluctantly became a court mage. that, however, didn't end up lasting long. in the years that followed, minnie refused to use her powers so she wouldn't be followed. instead, she rebranded herself. and thus her life as a trobairitz began.

Tomizawa's Verses

v; i never meant for it to ruin my life that way

newly freed from his situation under yamai, tomizawa is trying to find his footing. he's accidentally made friends with ichiban kasuga and kazuma kiryu, as well as the fujinomiya group's heiress. just what the fuck was his life turning into? he's not sure what to make of it all, and is still paranoid in regards to his own safety, given yamai's reputation.

Sterling's Verses

v; i could brave the weather that i can't control

when it rains, it pours. and goddamn it rains a lot in stardew valley.

Makoto's Verses

v; tomorrow i'll be brave

makoto is trying to move on from the events of her past, but one part just keeps hanging on her mind. guilt for putting those who protected her through so much, but also the knowledge that she has no idea who one of her main protectors was. she's returned to sotenbori, hoping that one day he'll return to the the massage parlor where they first met.

v; maybe this day maybe tomorrow

makoto, after living in america for a few years, returns to japan to seek out majima. she held no regrets after finally being able to see him, and unintentionally thanking him for everything he did for her. even then, though, she found herself drawn back.

v; let's just dream quietly of what might be

in which majima allowed himself to be selfish, to be happy. he returned to makoto's side and they would eventually start dating. dating, marriage, and a life ahead of them. this is just a verse to let them have their moments of happiness through the rest of the series.

Johnny's Verses

v; in concrete canyons squinting neon eyes

he's had out of body experiences before, but this was takin' it to a whole new level. now a resident in v's head, he's about as pissy about it as you'd expect. gradually, though, as things become clearer, johnny is becoming more cooperative and fond of his host. that sure as hell doesn't mean he's gonna make things easy for them, though.

v; mama here comes liberty
2003-2023 VERSE

he can feel when the screws start knocking a bit loose for the first time. he'll never admit it, but he knew a large part of him died before he managed to come back from the war. that part was replaced with rage, bitterness, betrayal. the torment of what he saw consumed him for a month. and then he finally just... went back on. unleashed his new self to the world and made it everyone else's problem.

v; to rebuild and then tear it down again

as far as second chances go, this wasn't anything he'd ever been expecting. the new body thing is hard enough to start to navigate, but now actually having to potentially address the shit going on in his head? he wasn't looking forward to it. trying to piece together which memories were real and which were fake... that was the part he was dreading the most.

Haruka's Verses

v; end your search and be alive

back in okinawa, haruka is struggling to come to terms with kiryu's death. from raising her son, to letting her relationship with yuta blossom, and trying to live with her life, she's learning to become more independent. to finally be able to live without the presence of her father overshadowing her life. even still, she misses him every day, and will never let his memory be forgotten.

v; every thought was imprecise

after leaving morning glory orphanage, haruka ended up in hiroshima. the hirose family treated her well, as well the mama of a local bar. she came to care about them all deeply, including a young man in the hirose family named yuta. after finding out about the baby they'd accidentally conceived together, however, she would end up fleeing. where she would end up didn't really matter. she just knew she needed to keep her baby safe.

Zhao's Verses

v; the weight of the world all falls away in time

with his full focus now primarily on keeping you tian afloat, zhao actually finds himself a lot happier with his life. no more stress, fear that he was going to be usurped by the member of the liumang that didn't agree with his way of leading. he was never convinced he was the right guy for the job, anyway. cooking and making people happy with his cooking gave him so much more pride.

v; i've never been in love but I think this is it

primarily for me and ichihero's nonsense that we end up posting on tumblr. it's basically just an amalgamation of ideas, of how the story of 8 would've differed if ichiban and zhao had been together throughout it all.

v; i know that part of me wants escape

from being the "liumang prince" to the fresh faced new leader of the liumang, this verse centers around that area of time. aus where characters would meet earlier on, as well, will be placed under this verse.

Derry's Verses

v; the night won't steal our day
2010-2035 verse

the early years of kerry eurodyne's first child. forced to face her father and his friends' problems head on, she likely knows far more than kerry would've ever wanted for her. seen too much. and when her life could've ended at an early age, she instead made a change to take her life in another direction. this verse mostly tackles derry's childhood and first several years pursuing further education, all the while dealing with the realities of being a rockerboy's child.

v; valor as sweet as a kiss
2077 verse

derry lived through her childhood, seeing through to the other side. she's experienced the unwanted attention of being a celebrity's child. she's thankful her father protected her as much as he could, keeping her from being manipulated into joining that world. now late in her 60s, derry is trying help impact the world in positive ways. be the change her father and his friends wanted to see in the world. although she can only really remember the trauma surrounding johnny silverhand's life, death, and what it did to her family, she knows he was sick. she knows the government didn't give a shit about him, or many people like him. derry has made great strides in researching cyberpsychosis, helping those with it, and aiding veterans that were forgotten by the world.

Eilé's Verses

v; wonders i wished i had said

she loves her family, but it's flawed. so incredibly flawed. she loves helping people, but being a nurse in a tired town like this is just boring. maru wants so much more, to expand her horizons and push her limits. but leaving her family while it's still so broken seems like a recipe for disaster.

v; wonders i wished i had said

she loves her family, but it's flawed. so incredibly flawed. she loves helping people, but being a nurse in a tired town like this is just boring. maru wants so much more, to expand her horizons and push her limits. but leaving her family while it's still so broken seems like a recipe for disaster.

Valdo's Verses

v; wonders i wished i had said

she loves her family, but it's flawed. so incredibly flawed. she loves helping people, but being a nurse in a tired town like this is just boring. maru wants so much more, to expand her horizons and push her limits. but leaving her family while it's still so broken seems like a recipe for disaster.

Kiryu's Verses

v; still i fight to bite temptation

relaxing with his family. a peaceful, quiet existence. it's what he'd wanted for the longest time, and he hopes he finally has it. if he's going to die soon, he'd prefer to spend those last days with the people he cars about. even still, though, a part of him is still itching for that last fight.
(often coincides with my nishiki lives verse)

v; living on borrowed time

after an immense amount of begging from basically everyone around him, kiryu's finally getting some treatment for his cancer. he's not convinced it'll help too much, but if a few extra months of him living topside will make his loved ones happy... then who was he to argue?

Yagami's Verses

v; i can't just lie to you like this

during the events of judgment. things here could be divergent, canon compliant, or filling in the gaps of time we have.

v; screw that, it's on you

during the events of lost judgment. things here could be divergent, canon compliant, or filling in the gaps of time we have.

v; move onward not there yet

[to be added]

v; hide away until the day is through

[to be added]